Monday, March 3, 2008

Lesson Plans

I was just writing a lesson plan for another education class, and I was just thinking how detailed we make our lesson plans. I know that since I was in Aims I always learned to have every single detail in our lesson from the NJCCCS, materials, procedures, to the assessment. But all I have heard and even experienced, the public schools do not require such detailed lesson plans. I don't know about every school, but just schools I have been to and my friends have experienced. For example, while I was student teaching I asked my cooperating teacher how her lesson plan is set up, and how often she has to turn it in. For that school, each teacher is required to turn in one lesson plan for each month. On the lesson plan they just have to address the NJCCCS and what chapters they hope to cover. They also have to write the accomadations, and for their assessment they usually just write a quiz, and test for each section or chapter. It was nothing like what we had to write. I just thought that was really interesting.
Also, while I was student teaching Saint Peter's expects a lesson plan for each day, but that is also not a formal lesson plan they expect. They just wanted the topic, standards, procedure, and assessment, but this could all be written by hand. It didn't have to have a certain format. And I never had to show my cooperating teacher my lesson plan I wrote. We would go over the lesson the day before, but she did not need me to hand it to her. The principal didn't even look at any of my lesson plans. I am mentioning this because my roommate is student teaching now and she is basically taking over the class now and her school expects her to turn in a formal lesson plan for everyday. She has to show her cooperating teacher and give it to the principal, but this is a private school. I guess there is just different expectations when it comes to lesson plans for each school. So I would advise everyone to know their schools lesson plan formats when they go into student teaching. You do not want to get caught with no lesson plans and that principal is expecting them each week. You have to be on top of what that school wants.


mfatouros said...

youre so right. in my sophomore field, my teacher looked at the lesson plan and told me id never need to be that in depth. i guess spc just wants us to know the right way of doing it. but yeah, when i get a job im pretty much gonna go with the flow ; do pretty much what the other teachers do.

Mohammad Awadallah said...

that's really cool to know that you don't have to be so in depth when your writing out lesson plans in 'real life' but like other's said , I'm guessing you need to learn the entire way to write a lesson plan with all the thing's offically needed and then once you know the basics then you can cut things down to only included the must haves..

riverai said...

I've seem lesson plans from teacher friends and from a few teachers when i did my field experience. they the lesson plans i was were spreadsheets with boxes about 2" by 1 1/2" with like three lines written on