Thursday, April 17, 2008

Micro Teaching

After teaching on Tuesday, I felt very comfortable and confident that I will be a good teacher. I actually taught twice this week and every time I teach I feel like I am getting better. I really liked the way Dr. Luongo made the class more classlike with the behavorial problems. That is one thing that is hard to teach in a classroom. You really need to experience the problems as a teacher to understand what you should do. I really do think these micro teachings we do in class will help us in the future with teaching. The more practice you get the better you will become and I think that is the key for becoming a good teacher.
People think that teaching is easy but they have no idea how much work is put into being a teacher. You have to do so much work for just one lesson plan. I am not talking about a formal lesson plan, I am talking about one actual lesson. You have to know what you are going to teach, so you kind of have to learn it again before you can teach it. Then you have to plan how you are going to reach the students, what major points you will teach them, make worksheets and homework's. There is so much going into one lesson that no one really knows about. Teaching is not as easy as it looks or people say. You probably have noticed that is a lot of work by doing this micro teachings, or getting a unit ready. It takes a lot of time planning what you want to do. Then you may not be happy with your lesson after you teach it so you have to make changes. Even teaching these 15 minute lessons you have to put a lot of thought and organization behind it. Teaching is definitely a lot of work, but I will say I like doing this kind of work.

1 comment:

Dr. Luongo said...

And you did a spoectacular job!

Thanks for self-reflecting, Chrissy!